Welcome to the studio that accepts you just as you are.  You do not need to think of yourself as flexible, skinny or strong to walk into this space.  You are welcomed here each day whether you can or cannot touch your toes, whether a headstand is in your foreseeable future or something you'd never ever dare to dream of.

Yoga has always been the practice of being my most authentic self.  We advocate that you too, come here and just be you.  Leave all competition behind and join us in a space meant to make you feel free.  Free to move, breathe, dream and wonder.  Free to notice, feel and explore.  So often throughout our everyday, we wear many hats.  The idea is to toss the hats aside and accept and love your most natural, intuitive and primal self.  Yoga 203 is a studio that wants to make you feel comfortable in your own skin and by doing so allow you to truly reap the benefits of the yoga practice.

We offer a variety of classes so that you can meet your practice where you are.  Whether fancy poses is what you're looking for, we have you covered, or learning the secrets of your body's movement, we've got that too.  Never taken a class before?  No worries, because slowing down is also a part of what we do.

Our classes are designed to offer you what you're in the mood for:

Mindful Movement - Mindful Movement is our version of gentle yoga. Expect to move a little slower and deeper with the intention to relieve stress from the body and mind. Expect a practice that doesn't push too hard but feels good in all the right places. Lots of kind words of mindfulness and moments of stillness are encouraged.

Foundational Flow - Foundational Flow will cover the foundations of the yoga practice through precise cueing and a structured breakdown of how to get in and out of postures. This flow is about finding comfort in the foundational movements of yoga while finding comfort in your own skin. This is a great class for a beginner as well as seasoned yogis.

Flow & Restore - A class designed for your wild and calm side. Start off with an all-levels, vinyasa flow followed by slowing down with a softer practice including restorative postures that incorporate support by props.

Open Level Flow - This is our all levels vinyasa yoga class. Expect a mix of beginner and intermediate postures, ample modification option and use of props. Beginners may try new things and more seasons yogis will get a fun, fine-tuned practice.

Flow - This is our intermediate vinyasa yoga class. Class is considered to be more cardiovascular and challenging. Expect less step-by-step instruction, more unique postures and interesting transitions. A familiarity with the practice is suggested as there may be less offerings of props and modifications.


Yoga 203

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